Traveling & Border Information
We have conveniently included all the information you need for traveling to Villa n’Banga and Mozambique
Read this and save yourself some trouble!
Border Times:
Normally the border is open from 6h00 – 22hoo. During Christmas and Easter holidays the border is open 24 hours a day. On the swaziland side the border only open 7hoo to 20h00
Before Departure:
Each vehicle must have the 2 triangles (red reflective type)as well as a Reflective Vest. If you are towing the blue and yellow triangles must also be attached to the front of the vehicle and at the rear of the towed vehicle, caravan or trailer. Unless your vehicle is longer than 6m you do not need to worry about the reflective signage, but I do advise that there are reflective strips on the edges of the front and rear bumpers. White in the front and red at the rear. This is the same requirement for both Zambia and Zimbabwe. It also helps others to spot your vehicle, especially when tucked away in a camp site.
Visa’s no longer required for South Africans however passports must be valid for at least six months from date of entry into Mozambique. A stamping fee of R12 will be charged per passport. This is only payable in Rands. Foreigners need visas and can get at the border but it does take a 30 min or so…
Please make your own necessary arrangements for medical insurance.
Please Note:
If your period of stay exceeds that stated, a fine of US$100 per extra day will be charged. For any enquiries contact:
Mozambique consulate:
Tel: (011) 327 2942
Documents required for vehicles and boats at the border:
Original or certified registration papers for both the vehicle and boat. If not registered in your name obtain a letter from the owner of the vehicle to drive the vehicle into Mozambique. If the vehicle is being financed, get letters from the bank allowing your vehicle to cross the border. A valid driver’s license for no less than 6 months must be carried at all times while driving.
You will have to fill in a Vehicle customs clearance form or temporary import permit for your vehicle and boat/jetski/4 wheeler etc… these are available at the border
(RSA side) they are compulsory and are valid for 30 days and must be stamped. The RSA side (no cost) and the Mozambique side (+ R25)for car papers to be stamped.
On the Mozambique side you will proceed to the centre were you get a form with your vehicle particulars and temporally imports, they will stamp this and your gate pass, this will cost you R10. Mozambique third party insurance document. This is also compulsory and is available at the border (Mozambique side) at a fee of + R150 per vehicle and an additional amount of R80 for any trailer linked to your vehicle. Keep the insurance form, the registration form of your car and the temporary import form. If the Police in white uniforms ONLY stop you they will ask for these forms.
Children to travel with correct document and unabridged certificates.
Duty free allowances for visitors to Mozambique
Each visitor is entitled to import the following duty free goods. Value R500 (inclusive of consumables)
1 liter of spirits.
2.5 liters of wine (3 bottles)
2 cartons (400) cigarettes.
Children under the age of 18 do not qualify for liquor allowances
Please note:
No drugs, firearms, ammunition or explosive material may be brought into Mozambique. Only limited quantities of raw fish produce i.e. prawns, fish, calamari etc may be exported. Information regarding exact quantities may be obtained from Mozambique customs.
Road Regulations in Mozambique:
Safety belts are to worn at all times. This is compulsory by law.
All vehicles must have 2 emergency triangles. Trailers must also have triangles.
A valid driver license, as well as all vehicle registration papers, Mozambique third party insurance and customs import forms are required to be on you at all times whilst driving a motor vehicle.
In the event of an accident; contact the relevant insurance company immediately, and make a statement at the nearest police station.
Radar speed traps are common in small villages – obey speed limits 60km/h in towns and 120km/h on open roads.
If towing you need to display a triangle on the front of the vehicle.
It is advisable NOT TO DRIVE AT NIGHT.
If confronted with police, do your best to be relaxed and be patient.
A fine of up to 1’000 Meticas (+ R500) can be enforced for traffic transgressions.
Sleep overs:
Sleep over’s make the trip easier. You can sleep in Komatipoort , there are nice guesthouses and hotel, The BORDER INN. It is clean and is good value for money, however, we would suggest during busy times (Christmas, Easter and School holidays)you go through the border and sleep on the Mozambique side. The reason being that the night traffic piles up and when the Border opens at 6am ,there is a long queue of cars and trucks, which can hold you up for hours…You can sleep at <> which is 8km just outside the border or CASA LISA/Blue ANCHOR 36km past Maputo. It is approximately 4-5 Hours drive to the border from Pretoria or Gauteng.Blue Anchor and Casa Lisa both have nice clean Chalets with showers and hot water and good restaurants with good food. Casa lisa +258 823041990. Be sure to make a reservation, as they can be full at times.
While on the road:
The road From the border to Maputo has a new Toll gate Rands, mts and dollars accepted. When you reach Maputo ,drive until you reach the first robot, turn left, this is a double road. There is another tollgate on this road 20mts.A couple of km after the tollgate you will get a slipway to turn left to XAI-XAI. Keep on this road it will take you to a TOWN called Macia turn right to Bilene 33km’s. In Macia there is a thatch roof Restaurant next door to the BP garage they make nice food and the service is Quick and efficient. You can have a bite to eat and be on your way in a short time. If you want to buy cashew nuts this is the place to buy. Please inspect them for quality before buying..
Please activate your international roaming on cell phones before departure.
Rands can be exchanged for Meticas at the border BP shopping centre on the South African side, where there is a foreign exchange office or with the ladies on the side of the road.
The rate at the border on the South African side is slightly higher than in Bilene.
DO NOT CHANGE MONEY ON THE MOZAMBIQUE SIDE….The locals will fleece you, they are expert CON MEN. Rands are easily excepted all over Mozambique and even at the Garages.
Please assist in keeping Mozambique free of litter.
Fires are only permitted in designated areas.
Vehicles are not permitted in areas where there are no roads, due to the possibility of landmines.
Driving on the beaches in general is not permitted, however a license may be obtained from the Maritime official.
Use existing paths and roads when accessing the beaches.
Driving on or in local plantations in not permitted.
The use of fireworks is not permitted.
Camping on the beaches is not permitted.
Please do not interfere with the activities of the fisherman. Fishing is their livelihood.